Gefundene Personen

Ihre Suche nach Personen mit „Minister, engl.” im Feld „Biographisches” ergab 37 Personen


Personen (37)

Bonaparte, Lucien, 1807 prince de Canino et Musignano
Pitt, William d. Ä., 1766 1. Earl of Chatham
Pitt, William d. J.
Bulwer, Edward George Earle Lytton, (1866) 1. Lord Lytton
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount C., 1821 2. Marquess of Londonderry
Canning, George
Churchill, John, 1689 Earl, 1702 1. Duke of Marlborough
Disraeli, Benjamin (1876 1. Earl of Beaconsfield)
Condé, Louis V Joseph, 8. prince de C., 5. duc de Bourbon
Espartero, Joaquín Baldomero Fernández Alvarez, (1839 duque de Vitoria, 1870 Fürst von Vergara)
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 1757 3. Duke of Grafton
Fox, Charles James
Grey, Charles, 2. Earl Grey, Viscount Howick
Gladstone, William Ewart
Grenville, George
Hardinge, Sir Henry (1845 1. Viscount H. of Lahore)
Jenkins, Sir Leoline
Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2. Earl Granville
Montagu, John, 4. Earl of Sandwich
Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1715 1. Duke of Newcastle
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2. Viscount
Montagu, Charles, 1714 1. Earl of Halifax
Peel, Sir Robert, 1. Baronet P.
Petty-Fitzmaurice, William, 1761 2. Earl of Shelburne, 1784 1. Marquess of Lansdowne
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1814 1. Duke of

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